Dates | Sep. 16 – Sep. 18, 2022
Venue | Wellspring Theater, Taipei
Produced by Tainaner Ensemble and Quanta Arts Foundation
In Alliance with Jin Kwei Lo Puppetry Company
Slipping through Fingers is a story about father and son of a Bodehi family troupe. Bodehi is a form of traditional glove puppet theatre in Taiwan, and its art relied mainly on the artist’s puppeteering crafts and improvisation skills. When an aging Bodehi puppeteer is faced with Dementia and imminent death, an artist who has devoted his entire life to the pursuit of this art form, how can he bear to say goodbye?
This production puts together traditional Bodehi artists and practitioners with contemporary theater backgrounds. By experimenting different narrative strategies and materials, it opens up brand new perspectives in cross-disciplinary theater.
演出時間 | 2022年9月16日至18日
演出地點 | 水源劇場
主辦單位 | 廣藝基金會、台南人劇團
合作單位 | 真快樂掌中劇團
布袋戲與現代劇場的跨界 共同修煉藝術與人生
一聲聲傳統口白 一道道生命咒語
一個關於「好人」的故事 一封名為「指望」的家書
臺上戲散 臺下的人卻不願離開 道別從來不是件容易的事
Cast &
Artistic Director 藝術總監 | Po-Shen Lu 呂柏伸
Director/Playwright 編導 | Chih-Ching Chester Tsai 蔡志擎
Cast 演員 | Chia-Chen Chang 張家禎, Shih-Hong Ko 柯世宏
Bodehi Puppeteer 布袋戲偶師 | Shih-Hua Ko 柯世華
Scenic Design 舞台設計 | I-Fang Chung 鍾宜芳
Lighting Design 燈光設計 | I-Hsin Mandy Chen 陳以欣
Costume Design 服裝設計 | Hsiang-Ying Lu 盧湘瀅
Music by 音樂設計 | Chien-Hsing Chiang 姜建興 and Hans Tsai 蔡秉衡
Graphic Design 平面設計 | Bao-Shen Kuo 郭保伸
國立傳統藝術中心劇藝發展組助理研究員 許天俠 -
表演藝術評論台 專案評論人 蘇恆毅