Dates | Apr. 16 – Apr. 18, 2021
Venue | Nanhai Theater, Taipei
Produced by Tainaner Ensemble
This adaptation of Titus Andronicus reimagines Shakespeare’s notorious revenge tragedy within a contemporary political context, exploring cycles of violence, power dynamics, and societal upheaval. The story begins with Titus returning victorious from a decade-long war, bringing Tamora, Queen of the Goths, as a prisoner. Seeking justice for his fallen sons, Titus sacrifices Tamora’s eldest child, igniting a series of escalating retaliations. As Tamora and her lover, Aaron, conspire against Titus and his family, the city descends into a chaotic spiral of vengeance, questioning the boundaries of justice and the legitimacy of violence in a fractured society.
The production emphasizes the psychological and moral struggles of its characters, shedding light on primal instincts and the fragility of societal structures. Through a blend of modern theatrical techniques and Shakespeare’s original framework, the play examines the absurdity of civilization’s attempts to rationalize brutality, turning the stage into a metaphorical madhouse. This adaptation reflects on the cyclical nature of conflict and the fine line between justice and cruelty, presenting a visceral exploration of humanity’s darker impulses.
演出時間 | 2021年4月16日至18日
演出地點 | 南海劇場
主辦單位 | 台南人劇團
暴戾 監禁 瘋人園
斷肢 割舌 啖人肉
男男女女 相愛相殺 製造癲狂
莎士比亞最嗜血的復仇劇 殘酷舞臺的當代展現
Cast &
Adapted from William Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus
Artistic Director 藝術總監 | Po-Shen Lu 呂柏伸
Director/Adaptation 劇本改寫、導演 | Chih-Ching Chester Tsai 蔡志擎
Cast 演員 | 林子恆、張智一、張雲欽、劉 桓、潘韋勳、蔡佾玲
Scenic Design | 林仕倫
Lighting Design | 陳以欣
Costume Design | 柯詠心
Music by | Hans Tsai 蔡秉衡
Graphic Design | Eason Lu 呂婉柔
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